Due to inclement weather, BHA Offices will open on a delayed schedule at 9:30 am on January 21, 2025. For maintenance emergencies, please call 303-652-7861.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, las oficinas de BHA abrirán en un horario retrasado a las 9:30 a.m. el 21 de enero de 2025. Para emergencias de mantenimiento, llame al 303-652-7861.
Monday: Office is closed to the public & available by phone only
Wednesday: 11 AM-4:30 PM (Open to the public)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Open to the public)
Closed for Lunch 12 PM - 1 PM
The Brighton Housing Authority is dedicated to providing this community with quality, affordable housing that is decent, well maintained and free from drugs and violent crime.
We endeavor to provide livable communities that are made up of a diverse range of economic incomes so that the children of these communities have role models that are visibly striving to make economic gains for their families.
We are committed to providing our residents with as many opportunities as possible to become economically self-sufficient.
We shall do all of these things while serving our residents and neighboring citizens with the highest degree of professional courtesy, empathy and respect.
Units owned and/or managed by BHA
Units in the progress of being rehabilitated or developed
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) units estimated in Brighton
The Brighton Housing Authority (BHA) will begin accepting applications for its project-based voucher (PBV) program.
Specifically at Hughes Station Apartments:
· 2 Bedroom Waitlist- Hughes Station
· 3 Bedroom Waitlist- Hughes Station
Applications will be available beginning: Monday, December 16, 2024, at 10:00 A.M.
Applications will be available online only by clicking the link below.
Applications will not be available for in-person pickup at BHA offices. Only families that qualify based on the currently published occupancy standards will be placed on these waitlists.
These applications are separate and distinct from the tenant-based voucher lottery program. Families who applied to the tenant-based lottery last year are encouraged to apply to these lists.
If you are a person with disabilities and are in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to apply, please call BHA offices at 303-655-2160 or contact the agency through the above listed website.
The waitlist will close without further notice once enough applications have been received.
For more information please click on the Housing tab.
Please continue to check your email and RentCafe account for further details.
Most Frequently Requested Information
Section 8 Wait List
Office Hours
Monday: Office is closed to the public & available by phone only
Wednesday: 11 AM-4:30 PM (Open to the public)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Open to the public)
Closed for Lunch 12 PM - 1 PM